Infrastructure Asset Management

Improve asset planning and investment decisions

Effectively model and reduce risk, costs and decision complexities to improve management of critical infrastructure assets.

Manage critical assets with agility and insight

Infrastructure asset management is a delicate balancing act that weighs cost, risk and performance. Managers must make complex decisions that affect the health and reliability of critical assets like roads, utility grids, bridges and railways. Remsoft optimization analytics technology ensures each of those decisions is backed by intelligence and optimized with the power of data analytics.

Increase visibility into asset lifecycles

Remsoft planning analytics solutions use optimization modeling to enable exploration and analysis of different scenarios with a multitude of constraints for a wide range of asset classes. With more insight into how assets depreciate over time, you can develop the best plans to maximize their potential.

  • Gain more insight into asset depreciation curves
  • Get a connected view of assets to reduce risks and costs
  • Plan for every possibility with increased insight

Improve planning for infrastructure assets

Using optimization analytics, you can create defensible infrastructure asset management plans based on greater certainty.

Mathematical optimization modeling

Empower decision-makers with robust integrated analytics capabilities using linear and integer programming, and heuristic simulations. Build, maintain, and deploy mathematical optimization models based on your planning and scheduling needs. Easily analyze all data with enhanced visualizations. Iterate models as new data is available and adjust them as situations change.

Flexible problem solving

Work with any type of high value asset across multiple spatial and temporal ranges to understand and assess complex business challenges. Consider timings and asset lifecycles to produce optimal treatment plans. Create maintenance and repair schedules incorporating spatial and temporal relationships for solutions with real-world applicability.

Scenario and capacity analysis

Make transparent, data-driven decisions through strong scenario, trade-off and what-if analyses. Incorporate long-term objectives and constraints from a network-wide view to accurately assess merits of an investment compared to other possible expenditures. Assess the impact of changing resources levels on medium and long-term financial performance to help prioritize investments.

Capabilities for infrastructure asset management

Investment Evaluations

Link investment analyses to other decisions and see them in context with other plans, activities, constraints, business objectives and strategic vision.

Replacement Planning

Schedule optimal maintenance, repair, upgrade, and replacement activities while minimizing the investment needed to ensure long term system reliability and safety.

Capital Investment Deferral Analysis

Evaluate the ROI of making new infrastructure capital purchases versus maintaining an existing asset to increase its service life.

Cross-Asset Optimization

Consider multiple assets, their proximal relationships, and alternate planning scenarios to arrive at the best-possible solution.

Featured Resources

Construction workers doing road maintenance in Costa Rica

Well Maintained Road Networks Cost Less Money – and Less Carbon

informs_Remsoft Technical Paper

Taking the Politics Out of Paving: Achieving Transportation Asset Management Excellence Through Operations Research

Forest Harvest and Road Planning - Remsoft

The Optimum Forest Road Network: Striking the Balance between Investment and Transportation Costs

Interested in learning more?

Whether you are looking for solutions or have a question, we're here to help. Reach out to learn how Remsoft analytics software can help you solve your biggest planning challenges.