Arrive in Fredericton

We have arranged a discount code when you book your flights with Air Canada. When booking your flight, enter Promotion Code KAAG6EB1 in the Promotion Code Box. Reserve Your Flight →

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Check in to Hilton Garden Inn

Rooms have been set aside at a discounted rate of $179/night at the Hilton Garden Inn in downtown Fredericton. These rooms can be reserved by booking online before Monday May 15, 2023. Reserve Your Room →

Freddy Beach Ribfest & Music Festival

Experience the Maritime’s largest food and music festival where professional rib teams compete and serve some of the best ribs, chicken, and pulled pork in the country. Continuous live music from the best Maritime performers, and indoor and out-door activities. Learn more →

[Remsoft Training] Modeling Fundamentals

Modeling Fundamentals is the basic introduction to forest modeling using Woodstock. This workshop is an essential Remsoft training course for all users. Over 2.5 days, you will learn how to build and run models, investigate various planning issues, perform trade-off analysis, and generate results. Register →

Monday, June 12, 2023

[Remsoft Training] Automated Model Building – Integrator

Learn how Integrator, core functionality within Woodstock, is used to enable two-way connectivity between your data and model, supporting structured and efficient model development, integration and updating. Register →

Beaverbrook Art Gallery

Take a tour of the downtown Beaverbrook Art Gallery. Learn more →


[Remsoft Training] Woodstock Applied Modeling Techniques

Learn about novel modeling techniques and approaches that Remsoft employs when building, running, and updating models and the circumstances in which these techniques apply. Register →

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Bill Thorpe Walking Bridge

Get some fresh air! Walk the river trails and experience one of Fredericton’s best views when you cross the old railway bridge. Learn more →



Grab a bite to eat before Day 1 of our User Group! Local breakfast favourites include The Snooty Fox and Cora’s. Looking for great coffee? Try Milltown or The Tipsy Muse.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

User Group Day 1

We’re excited to welcome you to the Fredericton Convention Centre for two days of collaboration, learning and networking. Topics will include user perspectives from Latvijas Valsts Meži and Manulife Forest Management NZ, Woodstock’s Next Generation, Tech Talks from Remsoft’s experts and more. View agenda →

Brew Pub Networking Event

Let’s celebrate the kickoff of the User Group! Join us at 7PM in downtown Fredericton at local brew pub The Cap for a pint and some finger foods.


Fuel up before Day 2 of our User Group! Local breakfast favourites include The Pickle Jar and Cora’s. Looking for great coffee? Try Milltown or The Tipsy Muse.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

User Group Day 2

Topics will include user perspectives from Weyerhaeuser and Mosaic Forest Management, The Future of Remsoft Operations with AI, Tech Talks from Remsoft’s experts and more. The User Group will include refreshments and lunch. View agenda →

User Group Farewell Party

The User Group Farewell Party will be taking place at First Light distillery. The evening will include distillery tours, a Maritime lobster dinner, live music, and the chance to catch up with peers. Transportation will be provided with pick-up and drop-off at the Hilton Hotel. Pick ups at 5PM and 5:30 PM. Food will be served at 6PM.

Field Tour

Join our guided tours and culinary experience. Explore the Wabanaki Acadian forest to learn about the vital role Tolerant Hardwoods have in the local industry, culture, and ecosystem. Reserve Your Spot →