Community Giving

Remsoft’s Annual Giving Program places the power of giving in the hands of our team, supporting communities where we live, work and play. Over the past 15 years, we have given more than $670,000 to help make a difference locally and globally.

Community Giving 2024

Driven by our team members, Remsoft giving in 2024 is supporting non-profits focused on healthy living, child welfare, youth development, community food rescue, safe drinking water, floodplain restoration and more.

Take a few moments to learn about the local and global causes we are passionate about.

Caring for Animals in Need +

Caring for Animals in Need

The Fredericton SPCA positively impacts animal welfare by advocating and promoting humane, responsible, animal guardianship; and providing temporary shelter, care and adoption opportunities for animals in need. Funding will help the SPCA adapt their service delivery and ensure long-term sustainability.

The Fredericton SPCA, NB

Birding in Fredericton +

Birding in Fredericton

The Fredericton Nature Club offers bird watching and other activities that individuals and families in the community can participate in. Funds will be used to purchase equipment that will make birding outings more accessible for individuals who lack the resources to participate.

The Fredericton Nature Club, NB

Nourishing Communities in New Brunswick +

Nourishing Communities in New Brunswick

Greener Village has plans to build the first-ever Food Rescue Centre in New Brunswick, with the goal of reimagining how our local and provincial food system flows and how we can make a difference in the lives of those experiencing food insecurity. Funding will help to make the Food Rescue Centre a reality.

Greener Village, Fredericton, NB

Providing Safe Water in Africa and Haiti +

Providing Safe Water in Africa and Haiti

Lifewater Canada provides communities in Africa and Haiti with safe, accessible water, to end the cycle of sickness and poverty that comes from drinking unsanitary water. Funding will support drilling for a new village well and rehabilitation of existing wells.

Lifewater Canada, Thunder Bay, ON

Delivering Critical Aid in Madagascar +

Delivering Critical Aid in Madagascar

Fraternity Without Borders helps communities in need of critical aid. Their project Act Madagascar is focused on families living in extreme poverty, suffering from hunger and thirst. Funding will support stable housing and relief for the affected communities.

Fraternity Without Borders, Canada

Supporting Fostered Children +

Supporting Fostered Children

Casa dos Bebes is dedicated to improving the quality of life for fostered children up to 12 years of age in São José dos Campos, Brazil. Funding will be used for food, hygiene and cleaning supplies and needed furniture repair.

Casa dos Bebes, São José dos Campos, Brazil

Building Inclusive Communities +

Building Inclusive Communities

Inclusion NB supports individuals who have a disability and their families to reach their goals in the community. Funding will help provide access to essential support that enhances their overall inclusion and involvement with recreation, housing, community life, mental health and well being.

Inclusion NB

Promoting Healthy Living +

Promoting Healthy Living

The Wostawea Cross Country Ski Race Team achieved top 10 percentile results at the December Canada Cup. Funding will be used to purchase equipment that will further develop the race team’s capacity to compete on the Canadian cross country skiing circuit.

Wostawea Cross Country Ski Race Team, Fredericton, NB

Technical Innovation for Non-Profits +

Technical Innovation for Non-Profits

Civic Tech Fredericton is a group of programmers, data scientists and IT professionals who volunteer to find solutions for non-profit organizations in the community. Funding will support weekly Civic Tech group meetings.

Civic Tech Fredericton, Fredericton, NB

Youth Development Voyages +

Youth Development Voyages

The R. Tucker Thompson is a tall ship based in the Bay of Islands. Operated as a not-for-profit, it takes Northland’s young people on life-changing 7-day voyages. Funding will enable a local student to participate in a Youth Development Voyage.

R. Tucker Thompson Sail Training Trust, New Zealand

Making Sports More Inclusive +

Making Sports More Inclusive

The Little Native Hockey League, also known as the LIL NHL, is the largest annual ice hockey tournament for First Nations youth in Ontario, Canada. Funds will be used to help the Nipissing First Nation team purchase new hockey jerseys.

Nipissing First Nation, Ontario

Maintaining Floodplain Restoration Sites +

Maintaining Floodplain Restoration Sites

The Nashwaak Watershed Association is a not-for-profit organization that restores land that can protect river water quality and educates on the value of healthy rivers and floodplains. Funds will be used for equipment to aid in the maintenance of floodplain restoration sites, further increasing the climate-resiliency of properties within the Nashwaak Watershed.

Nashwaak Watershed Association, Fredericton, NB

Educating on Wetland Conservation +

Educating on Wetland Conservation

The Ducks Unlimited John Archibald Memorial Fund is dedicated to educating young people on the importance of wetland conservation. Funding will be used to send classes to wetland conservation themed field trips.

Ducks Unlimited, John Archibald Memorial Fund, NB

Building and Maintaining Mountain Bike Trails +

Building and Maintaining Mountain Bike Trails

River Valley Cycling is a Non-Profit Organization of volunteers that builds and maintains Mountain Bike trails around the city for cyclists of all abilities to develop their skills. Funding will help to refresh and update the current Enduro trails in Fredericton, a pivotal training ground for youth going to Canada Games.

River Valley Cycling, Fredericton, NB

Scholarships for Youth with Disabilities +

Scholarships for Youth with Disabilities

Easter Seals is Canada’s leading local provider of programs and services for the disability community. Funding will provide a post-secondary scholarship or bursary for a young adult with mental or physical disabilities.

Easter Seals, Canada

Funding Low-Income Athletes Competing in LIGAY 2024 +

Funding Low-Income Athletes Competing in LIGAY 2024

MAGIA is a Brazilian amateur soccer league for the LGBTQIA+ community. Funding will finance the participation of low-income athletes in the LIGAY 2024.

Magia Sport Club, Brazil

Supporting Caregivers and Cancer Patients with GIST+

Supporting Caregivers and Cancer Patients with GIST

The Life Raft Group Canada is a patient and caregiver support organization for people with gastrointestinal stromal tumour (GIST) cancer. Funding will enable the LRGC to create and distribute content that informs patients and caregivers across Canada, creating a virtual home where GIST patients can find emotional support from their peers.

Life Raft Group Canada (LRGC)

Empowering Junior Achievement +

Empowering Junior Achievement

JA’s financial literacy programs empower youth with the confidence and skills that put them on the path toward lifelong learning and economic success. Funding will help to ensure students graduate financially savvy, saving more, borrowing less, and better prepared for their careers.

Junior Achievement, NB

Access to Mental Wellness Support +

Access to Mental Wellness Support

Under One Sky is a registered non-profit organization that provides programs and services, educating, advocating for, and empowering a healthy and proud Indigenous community. Funding will support Healing Spaces, an initiative that provides people with access to mental wellness support at no cost.

Under One Sky, Healing Spaces, Fredericton NB