Remsoft Hosts Summer Sunflower Competition


Last year, Remsoft’s first sunflower growing competition was held in-office and due to the raging success, this year we’d like to extend the challenge to our clients and friends. The goal of the contest is simply to grow the tallest sunflower possible.

Last year, we had six or seven people in the contest who grew dozens of sunflowers. Throughout the summer, we provided updates and shared photos to “brag” and show off our sunflower pictures. This year, we’ll be posting them to the blog as we go.

Last year we had a number of rules, making things like “staking” the flowers, or covering them to protect from frost, or growing in a green house, invalid and in violation.

This year we tossed the rulebook, leaving only one rule – the sunflowers must be standing when they are measured. If they fall over – those flowers are out of the contest. However, things like fertilizer, staking and greenhouses are all ok.

Many seeds types are available on the web and/or locally to you. This year I planted three varieties, “Sunzilla”, “Heirloom Mammoth” and “Heirloom Titan” and I am hoping to improve my results from last year.

Last summer, QA Analyst Jesse and I tied for first place with sunflowers that grew to 104 inches (8.67 ft). We declared a tie because our plants were within ½ inch of each other and once the plants become taller than about 8 feet they become difficult to measure.

No entry fee is required and no prize for winning, other than bragging rights.

If you want to join, email us and you are in. If you want to stay a secret competitor for a while and wait to see how the completion unfolds and then surprise us with your massive sunflowers… that is okay too.

There is only one rule and its listed above.

Below is a picture of my sunflower patch near the beginning of September last year with my winning entry dominating the skyline.

A few of the contestants have already planted seeds, so if you would like to join do not wait too long.

Good luck to all, hope for sunny hot weather this summer!


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