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New Release: Software Update 2018.11 is Now Available


Remsoft has announced the availability of its software update 2018.11 for Woodstock.

We are happy to let you know that our latest software update is now available. You can find it for download here.

It is immediately available to all clients whose Software Maintenance & Support program with Remsoft is current.

This major release includes new features for:

  • Woodstock
  • Integrator
  • Remsoft Tactical Planner (RTP)

And bug fixes relating to the following:

  • Woodstock and RemsoftLM
  • Analyst for Excel
  • Remsoft Tactical Planner (RTP)

View the full list of new features, bug fixes, and known issues included in this update HERE.

If your Software Maintenance subscription is not up to date, please contact to find out how you can rejoin the program.

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