Model Review and Validation


Gain insights to improve optimization in this webinar on best practices for reviewing and validating models, presented by Remsoft Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer Ugo Feunekes.

Translating a client’s syntactical model into a matrix for solving can often generate unexpected results. Unreasonably long solve times, frequent infeasibilities, and unpredictability can cause difficulties for model reviewers.

In this webinar, Remsoft CTO Ugo Feunekes shares how proven QA methodology helped to uncover new ideas for improvement. He walks us through recent research into how building clients’ syntax into mathematical representation for solvers directly corresponds to the time it takes a model to solve.

Reviewing the steps of a successful optimization model review and validation, Ugo identifies precision and accuracy issues and explores vital questions for a model reviewer. Hear how building matrices more efficiently can result in faster solve times and identify best practices for improving solver performance.

In this webinar you will:

  • Gain insight on matrix structure and solve times
  • Learn how solver performance can be improved by changing parameters
  • Understand how the length of time solving using heuristics can provide solutions
  • Discover programming changes made to address issues

Originally presented at Remsoft’s Australasia User Group Conference in October, 2019.

About the Presenter

Ugo Feunekes

Ugo Feunekes

Co-Founder and CTO of Remsoft

As Remsoft’s CTO and Co-Founder, Ugo is the chief architect of Remsoft’s Woodstock suite of software. He leads Remsoft’s research and development program and overall product development.

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