Al-Pac leveraged Remsoft’s Tactical Optimization solution to streamline and integrate planning across its supply chain, maximizing efficiencies to sustainably harvest the forest resources it manages.

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Al-Pac leveraged Remsoft’s Tactical Optimization solution to streamline and integrate planning across its supply chain, maximizing efficiencies to sustainably harvest the forest resources it manages.
With a focus on maximizing efficiency and forest resource sustainability, Alberta-Pacific Forest Industries (Al-Pac) is using optimization technology to improve tactical harvest scheduling and wood flow across its North American operations. Using optimization modeling for forest planning decision support has enabled Al-Pac to manage high harvest volumes by modeling different scenarios and evaluating outcomes. The data-driven approach has also been a catalyst for promoting integrated forest resource management between the multiple Forest Companies operating within its management area.
Our data-driven approach and optimized, integrated planning between Forest Companies, has helped us manage fibre flow to minimize operational inefficiencies and maximize the benefits from the forest resource.” Remi L’Heureux, Al-Pac Business Unit Leader, Integrated Land and Fiber Logistics
Al-Pac is committed to innovation and continuous improvement and uses the best available technology and the philosophy to create more products with less raw materials. The company is focused on managing its complex supply chain to make the best decisions, ensuring cost competitiveness and long-term sustainability, and this required a more efficient way to manage the entire supply of wood coming into its mill.
Al-Pac’s Woodlands team is responsible for fibre procurement from a variety of sources, including its Forest Management Agreement (FMA) area. Under their FMA, Al-Pac has access to about 6.4 million hectares of public forest land and, within that FMA area, approximately 2.2 million hectares are verified as harvestable. That wood, along with timber purchased from private landowners and coniferous sawmill chips, provides fibre for the mill.
With new technology available to optimize and integrate operational planning, Al-Pac has been able to augment that knowledge with data intelligence that provides a new level of decision support that can drive efficiency improvements.
About Al-Pac
Alberta-Pacific Forest Industries Inc. (Al-Pac) is the largest single-line kraft pulp producer in North America. For more information, visit Al-Pac’s website.
About Remsoft
Remsoft is an intelligence software leader that helps forestry organizations plan with precision, act with confidence and adapt to change. Learn more about Remsoft Forest IntelligenceTM solutions.
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