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How to Minimize Road Building and Maintenance Costs by Better Aligning Road Planning with Harvest Scheduling


Optimization solutions are increasingly being leveraged to address a major expense for many forestry firms – building and maintaining roads. Seamlessly aligning road planning with operations scheduling processes brings notable benefits including decreasing road maintenance costs, providing better visibility for budgeting, and allowing the trade-offs between different scenarios to be quantified and understood.

Discover how roading decisions can be re-imagined to help reduce wood supply costs. Andrew Cogswell and Marie Eve Fillion share their perspectives from helping clients tackle similar problems around the globe and illustrate how Remsoft’s Road Optimizer solution addresses road planning challenges across forest operations.

In this webinar you will:

  • Learn how combining roading and harvesting within one model leads to more realistic plans that better reflect how the business operates, allowing you to identify and quantify potential costs savings within the supply chain.
  • Learn how the Road Optimizer module facilitates the incorporation of road infrastructure decisions within existing harvest scheduling models.
  • Explore several use cases illustrating the nature and scope of Road Optimizer applications such as clustering operations, optimizing trucking capacity, flow routing and capacity, and more.

This webinar will review how Road Optimizer allows you to use optimization to support both harvesting and road activity planning in your operations and determine the best timing for important infrastructure investments.

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