How to Minimize Road Building and Maintenance Costs by Better Aligning Road Planning with Harvest Scheduling

Forestry software for optimized planning

Optimization solutions are increasingly being leveraged to address a major expense for many forestry firms – building and maintaining roads. Seamlessly aligning road planning with operations scheduling processes brings notable benefits including decreasing road maintenance costs, providing better visibility for budgeting, and allowing the trade-offs between different scenarios to be quantified and understood.

Dynamic Data Connectivity in Woodstock with Integrator

Woodstock Integrator Data Connectivity

Now inclusive functionality within Woodstock, Integrator introduces new possibilities for automating model updating and model data manipulation. In this post, Director of Analytics Solutions, Marie Eve Fillion, shares her thoughts on the many benefits of Integrator.

Model Review and Validation


Gain insights to improve optimization in this webinar on best practices for reviewing and validating models, presented by Remsoft Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer Ugo Feunekes. Translating a client’s syntactical model into a matrix for solving can often generate unexpected results. Unreasonably long solve times, frequent infeasibilities, and unpredictability can cause difficulties for model reviewers. […]

Andrea Feunekes

Co-Founder, Chief Executive Officer BIOGRAPHY Andrea has been instrumental in building Remsoft into a world leader in the field of sustainable resource management and asset lifecycle optimization. Her expertise lies in data-driven, sustainable planning and helping businesses to better manage their land assets while ensuring their economic and environmental sustainability by bringing business intelligence to […]

Ugo Feunekes

Co-Founder, Chief Scientist BIOGRAPHY As Remsoft’s Chief Scientist and Co-Founder, Ugo Feunekes is the architect of Remsoft’s suite of software. He leads Remsoft’s research and development program and overall product development and provides direction for the company’s Training, Service, and Maintenance programs. Under Ugo’s direction, the Remsoft’s Woodstock Modeling Suite has become the most widely-used […]

Doug Jones

President BIOGRAPHY As President of Remsoft, Doug has top and bottom-line responsibility for both Remsoft Inc. and Remsoft Ltda., with oversight of sales and marketing Over the past 20 years with Remsoft, Doug has impacted every aspect of our business operations and market development. He is seen as a thought leader in the forestry planning […]

Alan Macaulay

Vice President, Services and People BIOGRAPHY As Vice President of Services and People, Alan brings deep operational and technical experience to the Remsoft team. He seamlessly combines logical decision making with compassion and care, in a collaborative-based leadership style that drives both engagement and innovation. Throughout his career, Alan has provided leadership in the areas […]

Carolyn Glasson

General Manager, Asia Pacific BIOGRAPHY As General Manager, Asia Pacific, Carolyn leads Remsoft’s operations across Australia, New Zealand, and Asia. She works with clients and partners to drive success and maximize the value of Remsoft’s software and services in the region. With over 15 years of experience in fleet management and finance, Carolyn is a […]

Don Spencer

Vice President, Product Development and Innovation BIOGRAPHY As Vice President, Product Development and Innovation for Remsoft and Xtivity (a Remsoft Company), Don leads software development for a large portfolio of analytics and business intelligence applications on both desktop and cloud platforms.  Don has more than 30 years’ experience in the design and development of commercial […]

Franc Roxo

General Director / Diretor Geral, Remsoft LTDA BIOGRAPHY Franc is an executive with twenty years’ experience in technologies for the forest, pulp and paper production chain in the South American market. He has a strong business background working with international teams in the areas of big data analytics and forest management systems. Franc has experience […]

Our Educational Partners Program

Remsoft’s Educational Partners Program supports academic research and teaching initiatives that increase understanding and improve practices in sustainable forest, land and asset management.